Some Common causes of Adult Acne that one probably didn't know about?

Many people often experience annoying little bumps on the skin and fear that they might be acne! Can one still get those zits and blemishes well beyond teen years? Well, the answer is YES!

Acne is a frustrating skin concern that can occur to anyone despite their age, but it can be particularly embarrassing if it strikes in the adult years.

Adult acne can also occur at 30- 45, and even 50 years of age. As one leaves the teen years behind, the fear of pimples is long gone, but some people may experience breakouts in the adult years of life too. This condition is known as adult acne. Consult the Best Dermatologist in Gurgaon to know more about Adult Acne.

It is interesting to note that it is even possible to be acne-free as a teenager, but acne can occur again later in life.

The causes of adult acne in females:

The cause of acne and breakouts in adults are diverse. Eating chocolates or consumption of greasy and spicy food are some of the causes. In males, the reasons for adult acne are commonly the same factors that cause teenage acne-like stress, oily and spicy food, and even sweat. However, in females, condition-causing grounds are more complex.
Most of the times, females experience adult acne due to one of the following factors:

  • Fluctuation of hormones:

Hormonal imbalance mostly associated with estrogen and progesterone are common in female acne. Other factors like changes in hormones due to pregnancy and menopause can also be the causing factors. Episodes such as starting and stopping the intake of birth control pills, and even changing birth control pills can cause acne.

  • Stress:

Various researches show a profound relationship between acne and stressful episodes. It is observed that when a person has stress, the level of an acne-causing hormone called androgens increases, spurring up oil glands and excess oil production leading to cause acne.

  • Skin and hair products:

Not all skincare products are suitable for all skin types. One must read the labels and look for ingredients. If someone is prone to acne, then they must look for oil-free, non-comedogenic, or non-acnegenic products, like these products, won’t clog pores or stimulate excess oil production.

  • Underlying medical condition:

Acne breakouts can be caused because of an undiagnosed medical condition. Although the percentage of this is quite low, in the case of females, a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) commonly-known as PCOD often leads to a chronic condition of acne breakouts.

  • Genetic influence:
If anyone in the family is predisposed to acne flare-ups, then there are chances that other family members are also prone to get acne. But it can be treated effectively by determining the causative agent and providing proper treatments.

What are the effective treatments available for Adult Acne?
The most efficient therapies for adult acne and its associated concerns are prescription medication and correct diagnosis of the major causative agent that causes acne. Most dermatologists recommend medicines or a combination of medications, gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and clinical treatments to cure acne.

Aster Dermatology offers a wide range of advanced acne treatments with promising results that help to get rid of acne effectively. Consult the Best Skin Specialist in Gurgaon at Aster Dermatology, to get back a flawless acne-free skin.

Acne is a medical condition, and patients must not hesitate to seek medical help.


Clinic Address: Shop No 51, Sector 15, part 2 market Gurgaon, Opposite Fab India, Sector 15, Gurgaon – 122001 

Contact: 9868649805 

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